Monday, February 22, 2010


I cannot properly describe the nasty, hollow thing in my gut right now, although it most closely resembles fear, dread.

Please read this brief article.

I urge everyone who reads this to speak up for our state parks, whether you live in NY state or not. I am a registered voter in Massachusetts, but I will very likely remain in the Finger Lakes region after graduation, and begin to make my life here. I spend a great deal of time in government-owned parks--from town and county-managed property to the magnificent Letchworth State Park, and the thought of a single one closing, or diminishing in size, makes me shudder in horror.

NY isn't the only state considering or already planning to close state parks, as the article mentions. Even if your home state isn't considering making changes to its park system, I plead with you to write to your elected officials and to let them know how precious the parks are to you.

Our species continues to rape the natural world, let's face it. There are only tiny pockets that remain relatively unmolested. For the flora and fauna who dwell in these places, for future generations, and for yourself-- speak up!

Click here to email Gov. Paterson

In addition to what I have already asked of you, I ask one more favor: pass the word along. The birding community, I expect, will have a strong voice in this matter.

Take nothing but pictures (and maybe the trash of jerks who came before you), leave nothing but footprints.

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